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You will be sent from time to time information on our products, our know-now, our philosophy…

… actually what our customers appreciate and why they evaluate us as a reactive and reliable supplier !

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  Our customers require components ready to be assembled in their product.

This is not a surprise and this is the reason why Stevenin Nollevaux is nowadays a specialist also in machining forgings.

Another advantage : we integrate assemblies on your component, a cost effective solution for you :

Less suppliers are involved in the supplier chain: quality and logistics are 100% under control

Global cost savings

At the earliest stage of your project we will propose a global solution !
    A brand new machining cell

Productivity, cost reductions… the market is challenging our company and it requires a quick and efficient reaction. This robotized machining cell has boosted up to 60% the productivity of the product range it now produces.

This new way of machining started in September 2014 and we do not regret it !
Compact, high cutting performance, unmanned, this is a perfect solution for improving precision, capability and costs.

Click and test … speedio !

  Quality and 5S implementation
What does it mean for our existing and future customers ?

More competitive solutions
Improved flexibility

5S is a well-known method : Sort, Store, Shine, Standardize, Sustain : we will apply this principle to all our processes and areas.

If you want to exchange about this subject with us, please contact Hervé Delonnoy, our quality manager

  Hannover Fair, Germany ; 13-17 april 2015

The biggest industrial exhibition in Europe is a nice opportunity to communicate. When you are on the fair grounds please allow a few minutes to come on our stand and review all the possibilities we offer. Let’s talk about your projects!

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